Automating workflows

The above video shows the full workflow functionality, including the advanced workflow feature, which is available on the Plus and Premium tiers. In this article we will discuss the basic workflow tool, which all Podio organizations can access.

You can use workflows to automate your processes in Podio. To get started, click the wrench icon in the upper right when viewing your app, then click “Manage workflows.”

Manage Workflows

From here, you will see your existing workflows, as well as the option to create a new one.

Creating workflows

Click the green “Create workflow” button to add a new workflow. Workflows are created in a “when/then” format. So, you select an event that will trigger an action to take place.


You can add a workflow based on when your item is created, or when it is updated. Click on the preferred event from here.

If you choose to begin your workflow when the item is updated, you’ll have the option to designate which specific field will trigger the workflow upon being updated. You can add multiple fields here if you’d like this workflow to take place when one of a few fields are updated.


and if

The “and if” section is part of our advanced workflow feature, which is a feature on our Plus and Premium tiers.




Now select what you’d like to occur when your workflow is triggered. You can add tasks and/or comments to your item - just drag and drop the actions into the box below, and fill in the details.

To insert variables into text fields, hit “@” and you will get a list of options (like mentions). This will display the value for the field that you select. For example, if you have a field in your app called “Due date”, typing “@Due date” will convert to the actual due date for that item.


Once you’re done adding your events, enter a name for your workflow and hit Save. Your workflow is now active!

Automating workflows