Workflow Automation: < / > End If

Use the </> End If action to end a current IF(Sanity Check) condition. Actions after this are once again executed.

Usually using a Sanity Check prevents further actions below from being executed if the logic inside the sanity fails. This creates difficulty in logic for flows and leads to creating multiple flows to handle the same task but with different values. End If allows you to contain actions inside a sanity check and create multiple scenarios in a single flow.

Using the End If action

Once you have a Sanity Check in place, you can add the </> End If to contain your actions within this sanity check.

End If 1

In the following example, it shows how you can nest sanity checks and create multiple scenarios in your flow.

End If 2

Here is our results if our number is greater or equals than 20:

End If 3

…and our results if our number is less than 20:

End If 4

Workflow Automation: < / > End If