Prevent Duplicate Entries in Podio

A Podio Webform is submitted and a new Lead Item is created. Since Leads can come in multiple ways, the webform submission is created in a separate App and then copied to the Lead App. Duplicates can occur and preventing these are possible with GlobiFlow.

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GlobiFlow can currently Search for Items using a single-line Text field or a Calculation field in Podio.

In the Leads App, Full Name, Phone, Email and Address are all set as a single line text field. When a new Item is created in the App, GlobiFlow will search a Field using the flow we set up below. If GlobiFlow finds a match, it will attach to the already created Lead. If no match is found, a new Lead Item is created.

Flow Details

  1. Select the App where Items will be created and start a New Flow to run on Item Create.

  2. No filters will be added as we want this flow to run on every new item.

  3. Add the Search for Items action. This search will find all items that contain the search criteria.

    • Set this to find items in the App where there could be duplicates.
    • Select the field to search using the drop down menu beside Where. Note: This menu will only give you the available search field options.
    • Then define the field to search using the field tokens, for this example: (Webform)Email
    • Since the search is performed in a separate App, the “Ignore Self” option does not need to be checked.
  4. Next, add the Sanity Check (IF) Statement action. This will check if a found Podio Item ID exists.

    • Create a PHP calculation to evaluate if the action should be run : If [found item id] is not blank.
  5. Add the Update Collected Item action to add the relationship to the found item.

    • Using a Calc to keep the previous relationship intact, add the new Podio Item ID using a comma separated list.
  6. Add an End (If) to close this Sanity Check (IF) Statement.

  7. Then add another Sanity Check (If) Statement. This will now check that a Found Podio ID does not exist.

    • Create a PHP calculation to evaluate if the action should be run : If [found item id] is blank.
  8. Add the Create Item Action to create the New Lead Item.

    • Copy over ALL fields required in new App.
    • Be sure to add the Relationship to the current item.
  9. Close with another End (If)

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The Result

Now, when a new Webform is submitted, it creates a new item in the Webform App. This triggers the workflow to check for a duplicate. When the Lead does not exist, a new Lead Item will be created.

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However, if a match is found, the created Webform Item will attach to the Relationship field of the found Lead Item.

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Prevent Duplicate Entries in Podio