Workflow Automation: The Flow Tree

Find the Flow Tree in MY FLOWS. This tree shows the Premium Organizations available for Workflow Automation. The logged-in User must have an Admin Role in the Podio Workspace in order to build or modify flows.

If the Workspace is not in the Flow Tree, confirm the Member Role and complete a Refresh from Podio

The Flow Tree 1

Tip: Hit the “g” key to quickly find a flow by keyword. Select the flow to be directed to that area in the Flow Tree.

The Flow Tree 2

MAIN Account Holder

As the Main Account Holder, ALL created Flows will be visible in the Flow Tree.

The total flow count is shown on the main Account page.

The Flow Tree 3

There is an area for Unknown Spaces called Not Accessible for your User, these flows have been created in an App that has been deleted OR created by another User in an App you are not an Admin level Member of.

The Flow Tree 4

Note: If you downgrade an Organization and no longer meet the requirements, flows in this Org will be deleted.

Additional Users

An Additional User logs in on behalf of the Main Account Holder. This User will have access to modify existing Flows and create new ones in any App they are an Admin level Member of. This user will not see the Unknown Spaces which would result in the flow count not looking accurate.

NOTE: Flows in Unknown Spaces will continue to run unless Deactivated. In order to Edit these Flows, access to the Podio App needs to be added or restored and a Refresh from Podio completed to refresh the Flow Tree.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to export these flows because we cannot fetch the app details from Podio without user credentials. Likely these workspaces have been deleted or archived, or the flows were created by a different user in a workspace that the main user does not have admin access to.

Workflow Automation: The Flow Tree