Workflow Automation: Using Filters

After we’ve set up a Trigger to begin the flow, we need to determine what “conditions” must be met in order to proceed (if any), before we can run any Actions step. These “conditions” are your Filters.

  1. Field Changed Check if a specific Podio Item Field has just been changed in value. This is an important step in Update Flows
  2. Field Value Match Match a Podio Item Field to a specific value (eg status=’new’)
  3. Field Previous Value Match Match a Podio Item Field’s previous value to a specific value (eg status was ‘new’).
  4. Creator / Editor Check who created this revision in Podio that triggered this flow.
  5. Custom (Calc) When none of the above fit - Use a custom evaluation function in PHP notation.
  6. Date Match - By Date or Day trigger type flows only Match a specific date, day of the week or day of the month.
  7. Comment Match - New Comment trigger type flows only Check the contents of a triggering comment.
  8. Email Subject Match - Email Reply trigger type flows only Check the contents of an Email Subject line.
Workflow Automation: Using Filters

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