Decouple your ShareFile account from your Citrix Workspace

ShareFile is decoupling accounts from Citrix Cloud and Workspace. Use the following steps to set up your ShareFile only account.

ShareFile configuration

  1. Sign in to your account at with a user account that has admin rights.


    • If you don’t know your account’s subdomain, use the link on the sign on screen.

    • The admin rights required are Edit account appeararance, Access reporting, View notification history, and Configure single sign-on settings.

  2. Configure SAML in ShareFile using the Single sign-on (SSO) information provided here.

  3. Go to the next section: Switching to hybrid mode.

Switching to hybrid mode

Use the following set of stepped instructions to switch to hybrid mode.


There is no impact to the user when switching to hybrid. This step allows you to have both files in the Workspace app and working in parallel for testing.

Step 1 - Disable Unified User Sign-in Flow for Citrix Files

If your account is using a unified user sign-in flow, it is recommended to disable this functionality before reverting to hybrid mode. After reverting to hybrid mode, this functionality will no longer be available.

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Upon signing in, go to the hamburger menu on the top left corner and select Workspace Configuration.

  3. Select the Authentication tab.

  4. Turn off Unified User Sign-in flow for Citrix Files.

    Content Collaboration

Step 2 - Content Collaboration Account

We recommend reviewing the selected account before switching to hybrid mode.

After reverting to hybrid mode, you will no longer have the ability to choose which ShareFile account will be used in the Workspace files tab.

  1. From the Service Integrations screen, under Files, select the (ellipses).

  2. Select Edit to edit your Files deployment.

  3. Click Change Account to select the ShareFile account to be used in Workspace.

    Content Collaboration

Step 3 - Disable Single sign-on for on-prem connectors

If your account is utilizing storage zones controller version 5.7 and later and on-premises connectors, you might have single sign-on for your network file share or SharePoint connectors enabled (SSO for Connectors).

This functionality is not supported once you revert to hybrid mode. It is recommended you disable it before reverting to hybrid mode.

  1. From the Service Integrations screen, select the (ellipses).

  2. Select Edit to edit your Citrix Content Collaboration deployment.

  3. Uncheck the box for Use single sign-on credentials for on-prem connectors.

Step 4 - Revert to hybrid mode

Hybrid mode means that while users are able to sign into their workspace and see a Files tab, all new links generate as links. All old links generated as links will temporarily redirect to the account’s respective link.

We strongly advise you to regenerate any old links as a link as the temporary redirect stops working on July 1st, 2023.

To revert your account to Hybrid mode, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Service Integrations screen, select the (ellipses).

  2. Select Edit to edit your Citrix Content Collaboration deployment.

    Disable Content Collaboration

  3. Click Change Account to select the ShareFile account to be used in Workspace.

Employee communication

Communicate to your users before moving to the next step of “Disable Service Integration”

Users will now begin using ShareFile directly for file sharing needs. They will no longer access Files from Citrix Workspace. Instead, they go to their url (ex:, and sign into their account with the credentials supplied by their IT department. They will not go to their URL.

Disable Service Integration

To disable Files in Citrix Workspace, perform the following steps:

  1. Under Workspace Configuration > Service Integrations > Files, select the ellipsis.
  2. Click Disable.

    Disable Content Collaboration

After Citrix Content Collaboration is disabled, all users are expected to access Citrix Content Collaboration via and all new shares use the domain. It can take up to 30 minutes for disablement to fully deploy.

For more information, see the FAQ: Decouple your ShareFile account from your Citrix Workspace.


For information on how to configure your branding in ShareFile, see Company Branding.

Decouple your ShareFile account from your Citrix Workspace