Workflow Automation: Send File via RightSignature

You can use Workflow Automation to send a file attached to a Podio item to RightSignature for signing.

Once your RightSignature account is connected in Workflow Automation, the action Send via RightSignature will be available.

Send File Via RS 1

Before you can send a file, you’ll need to provide some basic information: the name(s) and email(s) of the recipient(s), as well as a subject line for the document. You can use the Field Select option on the right side of the dialogue box to add information from your Podio apps.

Send File Via RS 2

To send to multiple recipients, separate each name or email with commas. Be sure to include the same number of names and emails!

Send File Via RS 3

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Workflow Automation: Send File via RightSignature

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