FAQ: Decouple your ShareFile account from your Citrix Workspace

What are we announcing?

Starting April 30, 2023, Citrix Workspace customers with ShareFile entitlements will no longer have the embedded files experience in Citrix Workspace. Users will access their files solely through their ShareFile.com account after this date.

ShareFile Administrators must take manual action in Citrix Cloud to disable their Workspace UI access to their files and transition users to access files through their ShareFile.com account.

Why is the experience changing?

We work every day to simplify and secure your interactions with your clients, partners, and peers. With Citrix’s recent acquisition, we’ve been able to take and invest in innovation that changes and simplifies both the ShareFile user interface for how you’re interacting with customers and advance the processes around it to allow your work to be simpler.

We are improving the collaboration experience for all users including decoupling files from the Citrix Cloud and Citrix Workspace experience.

While this is driven by a shift in business strategy, we want to emphasize the benefits of accessing the ShareFile standalone experience for both admins and end users. We heard customers’ feedback and sought to provide the best in document collaboration experience.

What steps are required prior to April 30, 2023

  1. Perform the following actions:

    • Configure ShareFile.com account: Prior to April 30, ShareFile admins with fully migrated accounts in Citrix Cloud will need to configure their ShareFile.com account, including branding, SAML authentication, and other customizations, to prepare for the transition.

    • Managing files access and ShareFile permissions: After Admins configure their ShareFile.com account, they will solely manage their ShareFile account from the Admin section in ShareFile.com. For admins that have multiple ShareFile.com accounts, they will manage each account separately by logging into the account they need in ShareFile.com.

  2. Switch to hybrid mode: Within Citrix Cloud service integrations, configure your account to ‘revert to hybrid mode’. There is no impact to the user for this step. For more information, see Switching to hybrid mode.

  3. Communication: use the following notification guidance for employee users and client users.

    • Notify end-users: Administrators will need to notify their end users of the change:

    • Notify client-users: Client users will see a different URL for shared links and they will go to a different URL to log in. Instead of [companyname here].cloud.com, they will now see [companyname here].sharefile.com.

  4. Disable service integration for Files: Administrators must take manual action in Citrix Cloud prior to April 30, 2023 to disable their Workspace integration of files.


    Once Disable is selected in Citrix Cloud, the employee user will no longer see their files tab no longer appears in Citrix Workspace. The administrator must provide guidance for their end users of this change.

What is the impact for end users?

Users will now begin using ShareFile directly for file sharing needs. They will no longer access Files from Citrix Workspace. Instead, they will go to their ShareFile.com url (ex: companyname.sharefile.com), and sign into their account with the credentials supplied by their IT department. Their data will not be lost or migrated. They will have a different URL for their files.

Users will still be able to use these tools to make file sharing fast and simple:

  • ShareFile for Outlook

  • ShareFile for Windows and ShareFile for Mac

  • Mobile Apps: Download the app from Google Play, the App Store, or Microsoft Store.

After removing the embedded files experience from Workspace, all previously generated Cloud.com links will break. To allow users enough time to generate new ShareFile.com links to existing files, Citrix will provide a temporary redirection from existing Cloud.com links to ShareFile.com. These temporary redirects will be in place until July 1, 2023. After this date, all Cloud.com links will appear as broken links.

The temporary redirect links that will be supported are:

  • Share Download Redirect

  • Share Upload Redirect

  • Encrypted Email Redirect

  • Edit Document Redirect

  • Preview Document Redirect

Will my account continue to share authentication between Workspace and ShareFile desktop and mobile apps?

No. Once the embedded files experience is removed from Workspace, there will be no shared authentication between Workspace and ShareFile.

Additionally, the ability to login with Workspace credentials will no longer be available in any of the desktop or mobile tools or our APIs.

If customers have SSO to Network Shares on their cloud.com account, they will lose the ability to provide SSO to Network Shares as this is not available on sharefile.com.

Will I be able to continue managing my client users in my directory?

No, admins will lose the ability to manage client users in their directory as this is not available on sharefile.com. The unified user sign-in flow will be automatically disabled for ShareFile in Workspace, and client users will need to sign in to ShareFile using their ShareFile credentials.

For more information, see Decouple your ShareFile account from your Citrix Workspace.