Email to app

The email to app tool allows you to create items in your Podio apps straight from your email. This is a great way to store communication with clients or other things that you receive via email.

Click the Wrench icon next to the app name, and then select “Email to app” to find the email addresses to use.

Email To App1

Here you’ll also find the settings where you can choose which fields in your email will be mapped to the fields in your Podio app. You can for example add a contact field and have the sender of the email appear in the contact field in Podio.

Email To App2

Email To App3

Pro tip: Podio will try to map everything in your email body to a field in the app. You can write “field name”: “value” (without the quotes) in the email body, and we will set that value for the item. This works for most field types (Email and Phone fields are not supported), and can be particularly effective for integrations with other systems that can send out custom emails. However, please note that this is not a fully supported function and is not guaranteed to work with 100% accuracy.

Note: The email to app tool is not available in Event apps.

Limitations: Users are only able to attach 20 files through this feature.

Email to app

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