Workflow Automation: Using the Manual Run

Using the Manual Run lets you run a flow on all items in an app.

Note: Webhook Throttling can occur when running a manual flow for a Mass Update to Items. If you experience delays, check the main Account page for Throttled Events.

If you need to flow to run on your existing items, you can manually run the flow by choosing the drop-down button that appears beside the Edit button.

Manual Run 1

Select Run from the drop-down. This will then bring up a pop-up box where you can select how many items you want this flow to run on.

Manual Run 2

Once OK is selected, a new popup box will appear. Here will run a list of items that match the filter criteria. Actions are performed on these items.

If you need to STOP a manual flow that has been manually ran, you will need to DEACTIVATE the flow itself to stop any further actions from occurring. Just clicking outside the popup box does NOT stop the flow.

Manual Run 3

Warning: This feature does count towards all actions.

Workflow Automation: Using the Manual Run

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