Workflow Automation: Using the Workflow Automations Logs

The Flow Logs are a great way to troubleshoot and diagnose any errors. Viewing the Log is good practice to ensure all your flows are running correctly.

You can set up an email address to be notified anytime an error occurs and flows don’t get fully executed.Go to the LOGS tab and enter an email address for error reporting.

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The default LOG page is the Errors Only page and will show you all your recent Errors.By selecting the link at the top of the LOG, you can also choose from:

  • Actions Only for a list of recent actions performed on your account
  • Flow Completions for a list of all flows that were triggered recently
  • Everything for a detailed list of all recent account performance

You can view specific logs from the Edit Flow screen by selecting the Logs tab.

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To Download a copy of a Flow Log, select the Flow from the Flow Tree and then the Logs tab. At the bottom of the Log, click the Download Log link. This will export a .txt file to your computer.

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Workflow Automation: Using the Workflow Automations Logs

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