Storage zones controller 6.x

Demote and promote storage zones controllers

In a high availability deployment the secondary servers are independent, fully functioning storage zones controllers. To maintain or replace a primary storage zones controller, demote it first and then promote a secondary controller. If the primary server goes offline, you can promote a secondary server to primary.

  1. To demote a primary storage zones controller:

    1. Open C:\ProgramData\ShareFile\StorageCenter\configs\storage-center.settings.json

    2. Set storage-center:isPrimaryConfigServer to false.

    3. Set storage-center:PrimaryConfigServiceUrl to the URL of the server that will be the new primary storage zones controller, using the form https://IPaddress or https://hostname/ConfigService/.

    4. Restart the IIS server of all zone members.

  2. To promote a secondary storage zones controller:

    1. Locate the Registry key: C:\ProgramData\ShareFile\StorageCenter\configs\storage-center.settings.json

    2. Set storage-center:isPrimaryConfigServer to true.

    3. Set storage-center:isPrimaryConfigServer to http://localhost/ConfigService/.

    4. Restart the IIS server of all zone members.

  3. Modify all additional secondary storage zones controllers:

    1. Open C:\ProgramData\ShareFile\StorageCenter\configs\storage-center.settings.json

    2. Set storage-center:PrimaryConfigServiceUrl to the URL of the server that will be the new primary storage zones controller using the form https://IPaddress/ or https://hostname/ConfigService/.

    3. Restart the IIS server of all zone members.

Demote and promote storage zones controllers

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