Important update to your email settings

We have added new options for you to better control when to receive email notifications for meeting invites and keep your external calendar up to date.

This means you need to visit your Email Settings page here in order to enable the new settings and continue to receive email notifications (and calendar .ics files) for meeting invites.

The new settings are:

  • I create or update a meeting as the organizer

  • Someone adds me as a participant in a meeting or a meeting is updated

End Bill Plan

  • If you do not manually select the new email options for event items, you will not receive calendar invites in order to book the Podio event in your external calendar.

  • If you do not wish to receive event notifications at all, you are all set. Make sure not to select the new settings or take further actions.

All new Podio users (signing up from today October 13) will automatically have the new email settings enabled.

This update includes a solid batch of improvements to how email notifications work for event items and will enable you to work better with external calendars like Google and Exchange. First, we have added the option for the organizer of an event to receive an email with a calendar invite. This means that if you create your meeting items on Podio (as the organizer of the meeting), you will also get the option to add that event to your external calendar as a calendar invite.

Go here to check out the new settings!


We only recommend enabling the two new settings if you are not already exporting your Podio calendar to an external calendar. These will ensure that any Podio events you schedule or are invited to will be sent to you as an .ics file, which will appear on your calendar.

If you are already exporting your Podio calendar to an external calendar, then you can disable these two options to prevent duplicate events on your external calendar.

Important update to your email settings

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