Storage zones controller 6.x

Join a secondary storage zones controller to a storage zone

To configure a storage zone for high availability, connect at least two storage zones controllers to it. To do that, you must:

  1. Install a primary storage zones controller and create a zone (as described in Install a storage zones controller and create a storage zone).
  2. Install storage zones controller on a second server and join that controller to the same zone.

Storage zones controllers belonging to the same zone must use the same file share for storage.

In a high availability deployment the secondary servers are independent, fully functioning storage zones controllers. The storage zones control subsystem randomly chooses a storage zones controller to handle operation requests, including upload, download, copy, and delete operations.

If the primary server goes offline, you can easily promote a secondary server to primary. You can also demote a server from primary to secondary.

  1. Open a web browser on the server to be a secondary storage zones controller. Then open http://localhost/configservice/login.aspx, and log on.

  2. Click Join existing zone and select the storage zone.

  3. Enter the requested information and then click Register.

    For primary zone controller, you can enter just the host name or IP address, and ShareFile will fill in the full URL. To test a URL, enter it into the browser’s address field. If the URL is correct, a ShareFile banner page appears. For standard zones: If the URL is incorrect and you specified https, verify that you are using valid, trusted public SSL certificates.

  4. If you are using a proxy server for the primary storage zones controller, specify the proxy server for the secondary controller, as described in Specify a proxy server for storage zones.

  5. Restart the IIS server of all zone members.

    A secondary storage zones controller inherits the configuration of the primary controller during startup.

Join a secondary storage zones controller to a storage zone

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