Quick Start Guide to Project Management

Podio is ideal for project management. Whether it’s for internal projects or client projects that need a high level of visibility for all stakeholders, Podio can be a flexible tool that facilitates collaboration and eliminates miscommunication.

If you haven’t created your Podio account already, you can sign up here.

Start by installing the Project Management app pack and watch this short tutorial video.

After you’ve watched the video, get your hands dirty and modify the app templates to fit your team’s processes.

You can create filters and reports once you’ve put project data into your apps to give you powerful overviews and useful dashboards for your projects.

A few pro-tips

  • In most cases, all projects can be managed in one workspace. This makes it easy to run reports and create filters across all projects.

  • If you have an external contractor or client that you work closely with and you want to avoid giving them access to your entire workspace, you can manually share each item that they need to access. If there are many items that they need to access, you may want to consider creating a workspace per project and inviting them in instead of using just one workspace. Their access is free.

Quick Start Guide to Project Management