Creating read-only apps

You can set your apps to be read-only for your workspace members. This makes it so that only admins in the workspace can add and edit items within the app.

An example use case for this could be a Bulletins app in your Intranet workspace. This app should only be updated by a few selected people and therefore you can set it to be read-only by the other members of the workspace.

Note: Organizations on the Plus and Premium tiers also have access to the read-only item share tool, which lets you give read-only access to specific users for specific items in your app.

Here’s how you set up the app:

  • First, click the wrench icon to the right of the app. Projects Settings
  • Then in the dropdown menu, click “App settings”.
  • From the app settings, go to the “Advanced” tab on the left.
  • Check the options shown in the screenshot: Projects Modify Settings

Note that this setting also disables the Excel Import and the Email to app tools.

Creating read-only apps

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