Send and prepare documents

Send document for signature

There are several ways to begin sending a document for electronic signature. Some workflows can begin in the Content Collaboration account or directly start a document in the RightSignature app.

Send a Document for electronic signature in Content Collaboration:

  • Select the check box next to a file, click Share and select the Send for signature or the Sign a document yourself option.
  • Right-click a file and select Send for signature or the Sign a document yourself from the context menu.

After selecting a document to send for signature, employee users will be automatically redirect to the RightSignature app in their default web browser to prepare the document for sending.

Start Documents for signature in RightSignature and select from the following options:

  • Bulk send for signature


To send each signer their own copy of the document, select an existing template.

  • Send for signature
  • Sign a document yourself
  • Create a reusable template
  • Sign in person

Prepare a document for signature

After selecting a sending method, select a supported file type (PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX or RTF) from an available storage source.

Select Prepare Document to continue. The document will automatically convert into a PDF file to serve as the background for preparing a form or document ready for signature.

For more information on creating an electronic signature template, see the Citrix User Help Center article Create a template.

Send and prepare documents