Getting apps from the App Market

There are hundreds of pre-made apps that are readily available in our App Market. The App Market is accessible via the link at the bottom of any page in your Podio account, or via the “Add App” button at the top of any workspace.

App Market 1

Getting apps is free and takes just a few seconds. Use the “Find an app” search tool in the upper left corner of the page to search for an app, or browse popular apps built by other Podio users.

App Market 2

When you find an app you wish to install, click the green “Get App” button for that app, select the workspace you wish to add it to, and then the app will then be added to that workspace.

App Market 3


The apps in our app market are meant to act as templates or examples of how you might set up your workflow. For this reason, most apps will not be perfect for you straight out of the box. In almost all cases, you should modify the app template to customize it to your specific needs. Use this to remove fields you don’t need, add new ones, or change the existing ones.

Can’t find an app that does what you need?

Create your own! It’s very easy - learn how here.

Getting apps from the App Market