Item Activity

Every item in Podio has its own activity stream, allowing you to easily keep track of what has been changed in your items, and by whom.

You’ll find the item activity on the right side when viewing any item. By default you will see all activity, but you can click “Comments” to only show the comments made to the item.

Modify Template

You can also revert any unwanted changes from here. Hover over any change in the Activity history and click on the circle arrow that pops up.

Item Activity

Click on any revision that you’d like to revert. From there you can see what specifically was changed, and you can click the blue button to revert the change.

Revert Revision

This can be valuable for tracking different stages of processes, or for any time you need to roll back changes if mistakes are made.

Similar to this is file versioning, which allows you to view and revert changes made to files attached to your apps.

Item Activity

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