Using an Actions app for tasks

Podio tasks are designed for quick to-do’s for you and your team. For anything bigger, we recommend using an Actions app instead of regular Podio tasks. The following things are possible with an app, which cannot be done with normal Podio tasks:

  • Adding custom fields to the task form

  • Assigning the same task to multiple team members
  • Getting an overview of what tasks your team is working on

Making this possible is as simple as creating an app. You call the app anything you want - maybe it makes more sense for you to call it Tasks or Milestones instead of Actions. Here is one example from the Podio App Market.

Then, you can add any fields you need to the app template. Here’s what we recommend as the bare minimum:

  • A single-line Text field for the task name
  • Date field for the due date of the task
  • Contact field, set to tag workspace members (to assign the task to other users)
  • Multi-line Text field for the action/task description
  • A Relationship field, to tied to any apps you’ll be tying actions/tasks to
  • A Category field for “Incomplete” and “Complete” status

Once you’ve got that set up, you’re ready to create actions/tasks in the app and assign them to members in your team.

When you’d like to see actions that specific team members are working on, or perhaps see which actions are upcoming or overdue, you can use filters to narrow down which items are shown in the app.

Keep in mind that this app would be completely separate from your Podio tasks, so items added to this app would not appear on your Podio tasks page. Instead, you could see which actions are upcoming either from your Podio calendar, or straight from the actions app itself.

Using an Actions app for tasks

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