Workflow Automation: RightSignature Integration

The RightSignature Integration allows you to send PDF documents to be legally signed and retrieve them once all parties have signed.


If you don’t have a RightSignature account yet, you can sign up for a trial account here: RightSignature

Once you have an account, click on the (Connect) link under Integrations on the main Account page for the Interface on your RightSignature account.

Right Signature Integration 1

New RightSignature Interface

Right Signature Integration 2

Once RightSignature has been connected, you will get 2 options beside RightSignature under the Integrations.

Right Signature Integration 3

If you’re having issues or have changed accounts, you can reconnect to your RightSignature account at any time.

Note: To set signer sequencing, this must be done on the RightSignature side.


We have Upgraded Podio Workflow Automation to now use V2 RightSignature APIs. Major benefits you can enjoy with this:

  • When a user edits a template in RS, it will no longer break the action block in Podio Workflow Automation.
  • Utilize higher rate limits of 60 document send calls per minute and 240 document send calls per hour


Send a RightTemplate to RightSignature

Send a File for signature(s) via RightSignature

When using Templates see Text Tags to automate creating documents.

Retrieve the Signed Document

Workflow Automation: RightSignature Integration