Overview of calendars

There are two types of calendars in Podio: Personal calendars and Workspace calendars. Here we will detail both of them.

Personal Calendars

Everyone in Podio has their own personal calendar. It can be accessed via the calendar-shaped icon in the top blue bar.

Click Calendar icon

From here you will find all of the events that you are scheduled to participate in, as well as all of the tasks that are assigned to you. Use the Day, Week, and Month buttons in the upper right to adjust the view to your liking.

Month Week Day

Next to these view options you’ll find a wrench icon, where you can specify which types of events you’d like to see on the calendar. You can use this to expand or narrow down what is shown in the calendar, from showing everything across your entire team in all of your workspaces, all the way down to showing only the items that you are directly involved in. Learn more about the calendar settings here.

From this wrench icon you also have the option to set up an external calendar, which will push all items from your Podio calendar to that external calendar. Note that whichever view you are currently using will be the view that is pushed, so be sure you are only viewing the items you want to see before using this option.

How do I add events to my calendar?

Events are added to your calendar from your apps. So, if you have a meetings app, simply go to it and add a new item to that app. If not, you can build one and add your event from there.

Any app that has a date field can be used to add items to your calendar. In the app template, in the drop down menu to the left of the field there is an option to “Add dates to calendars”. When you check this option, items added to this app will be added to both the workspace calendar, and to the calendars of any workspace members who are tagged via a contact field in that item.

Click Date icon

Workspace Calendars

Each workspace has its own calendar, which functions very similarly to the personal calendar. To access the workspace calendar, click the wrench icon above the workspace activity stream, then select “Workspace calendar”.

Click Wrench icon

You will notice that the workspace calendar is nearly identical to the personal calendar, with the same day/week/month view options as well as the wrench icon to set up an external calendar.

Events are added to this calendar the same way they are added to your personal calendar. Any app with a date field can be used to add events to this calendar.

This calendar is visible to every member in the workspace, so this is a great way to make sure you and your team members are on the same page with what needs to get done.

Overview of calendars