
You can use mentions in a comment or a status post to alert specific people to something in Podio. To mention someone, start typing @[person's name] into a comment or status post. A list displays an auto-search for all the people with that name. Click the name of the person that you want to mention or press enter to mention them.

If the person isn’t a member of the workspace where you’re mentioning them, you can invite them. If you mention someone and they don’t have access, then they get access to that single item automatically. For more information on sharing an item, see Sharing a single item.


You don’t have to mention someone who’s already following an item. Someone who commented on the item before or is following the item gets notified when you commented on that item.

You can also mention everyone in a specific workspace. Start typing @[workspace name] and you mention everyone who’s a member of the workspace. This example can be good to alert everyone to something that has happened.


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