Workflow Automation: Build Excel Sheet

Use the action Build Excel Sheet to create an .xls file from collected Podio Items.

First, collect the items for the Excel Sheet by using the Get Referenced Items or the Get Podio View.

Next, add the Build Excel Sheet action.

Enter the file name and select the Podio App from the previously collected Items. You can choose to Save To the Podio Item or to Sharefile if it is set up.

Change the extension to .xlsx when creating the filename.

Choose the specific fields which will be used as columns. You can also choose the sorting order of the table data.


Build Excel Sheet


This action MUST be used on a flow that triggers off an item. See a Use Case example in our Lab Experiments

Memory Usage can play a factor when collecting too many Fields (columns) or Items (lines).

TIP - To Filter Collected Items, use a For Each loop with a Sanity Check and a Clear Collected to remove items from being included in the data set.

Workflow Automation: Build Excel Sheet