
Sending a signature request to multiple recipients

When requesting a signature, you can request that multiple signers complete the signature request for the same document.

Multiple signer requests are avialble in two modes:

  • Multiple signers - No signer sequencing

    • When a signature request is sent to multiple signers without sequencing, the signing link is sent to all recipients simultaneously.
    • The signature request will only be executed once all signers have completed their respected signature task.
  • Multiple signers - signer sequencing

    • When a signature request is sent to multiple signers with sequencing enabled, the process follows a structured order. The signing link wis sent only to the first signer listed in sequence.
    • Once the first signer completes the signing request, the signing link is sent to the next signer in the sequence.
    • This process continues until all signers have competed their part of the request.
Sending a signature request to multiple recipients

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