
Share files using ShareFile for iOS

The following steps explain how to share files in ShareFile using your iOS device.

  1. Navigate on your device to the folder holding the file or files you want to share.

  2. Tap the ellipses () next to the file name.


  3. Tap Share from the menu.


    The Share screen displays.

    Get a link

  4. Tap Share to get a link. Use the copied link to share with your email or another communication app.

Send to specific people

Use this option when you want to send using ShareFile to send a Share message to a specific person.

  1. Navigate on your device to the folder holding the file or files you want to share.

  2. Tap the ellipses () next to the file name.


  3. Tap Share from the menu.


    The Share screen displays.

  4. Select Send to specific people under the options offered.

    Send to specific

    The Send to specific people message window displays.

    Get a link editable

  5. Select Edit options to review and set the following options:

    • Access options:

      • Allow recipients to: - select from various options including View, Download, and Edit (sign in required).

      • Access expires - select from various expiration settings for recipients.

      • Check box for Require recipients to sign in.

      • Downloads per user - provides a restriction to the number of downloads if necessary.

      • Check box for Always link to the latest version of the file.

    • Notifications:

      • Check box for Notify me when this is accessed.

      • Check box for Send me a copy of this email.

  6. Type in the email address of the recipient in the To text box.

  7. Though the Subject is prefilled, you can type in replacement text.

  8. Type in a message if necessary.

  9. Select the Remember subject and message slider to enable.

  10. Tap Send.

Follow the instructions for your Mail app to send the message that includes the link. The recipient will receive a message similar to this:


Choose to Edit options for the link, Replace link, or Delete link.

Edit options

In Edit options, you set the parameters for recipient access and notifications.

Access options

Under Access options, select the access parameters for the recipients.

  • Allow people with this link to:

    • View - Recipients can only view the file in the Preview window.

    • Download - Recipients can download the file.

    • Edit (sign in required) - Recipients can edit the file but must sign in either with their client or employee sign-in. For information about co-editing a Microsoft 365 shared file, see Co-editing in ShareFile.

  • Who can access this link:

    • Anyone (anonymous) - Recipients can only view the file in the Preview window.

    • Anyone (name and email required) - Recipients can download the file.

    • Client and employee users (sign in required) - The recipient is presented with a sign-in screen. The recipient must be an existing user (either an employee or client user) in the account to sign in and view the content. If the recipient is not a user in the account, then it is necessary to create the user account for the recipient before they can access the file.

    • Employee users (sign in required) - The recipient is presented with a sign-in screen. The recipient must be an existing employee user in the account to sign in. If the recipient is not a user in the account, then it is necessary to create the user account for the recipient before they can access the file.

  • Access expires can be adjusted to the available presets.

  • Always link to the latest version of the file is selected by default. The current version of the file is immediately available within the link.

  • Add watermark allows you to track documents by user. This includes printing. If the user has download permissions, the watermark does not appear while viewing.


This check box default is set for the sender of the file to receive notifications when the file is accessed. If you prefer not to receive this notification, uncheck the box.

Replace link allows you to create a new link with the same permissions. The old link becomes inaccessible.

Delete link allows you to make the link inaccessible. A new link is created by starting the share process again.

Add more items

To add more items to a share link, select Add more items.

You are provided the option to add more files from ShareFile or from your device.

Share files using ShareFile for iOS