
Client portal


Sign into your client portal for first time

Use the following instructions to sign into your client portal after receiving a request email from your servcice provider.

  1. Open the email and select Activate Account.

    Social sign in

  2. When the ShareFile Welcome screen displays, select Continue.

    Social sign in

  3. In the How do you want to sign in? screen, select Create a ShareFile password.


    ShareFile now allows clients to use a social sign in. For more information on using a social account to sign into ShareFile, see ShareFile Social sign in.

    Social sign in

  4. Create a ShareFile password for your account using the requirements stated on the page.

    SF start page

  5. Select Create password.

    SF start page

    Your ShareFile Client portal page displays.

    SF start page

Using your Client Portal to manage project tasks

Use the following instructions to manage tasks in the ShareFile client portal.

  1. From your client portal, select the Select a project dropdown to choose a project for Open tasks.

    SF start page

  2. Select the Open tasks tab to review items you need to complete.

    SF start page

  3. Select the Completed tasks tab to review tasks you have completed.

    SF start page

  4. Select the Files tab to review the files you have submitted.

    SF start page

Client portal