
Add a place in ShareFile for Mac

Add a place allows you to have direct access to your Microsoft Office applications for Co-editing in ShareFile on your Mac.


When adding ShareFile direct access to your Microsoft Office account, be sure you use the same ShareFile sign-in for both the ShareFile desktop application and Add a place.

The following instructions explain the steps necessary to add ShareFile direct access to your Microsoft Office applications with your Mac.

  1. To begin, click on the link here and your default web browser is opened. Click on the Open Microsoft Word button.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 1

  2. A dialog box is displayed which alerts the user that the application will now navigate to the connected storage location and allow you to sign in to ShareFile. Click on the OK button.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 2

  3. The dialog box above closes, and MS Word application launches by default with ShareFile sign on screen.Select ShareFile. The ShareFile account subdomain pop-up displays.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 4

  4. Enter your ShareFile account subdomain.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 5

  5. Follow the prompts to authenticate with your email and password for ShareFile.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 6

  6. Select the aunthentication method you use to access your ShareFile account.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 7

  7. Enter the code provided by the authenticator selected in step 6.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 8

  8. Select Verify.

    Once you have signed on successfully, ShareFile will display under Other storage.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 9

Your ShareFile account is now connected to Add a Place and this new location is accessible across Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel on the computer that you connected it to.

Removing ShareFile from Add a Place

Use the following steps to remove ShareFile from your Microsoft Office applications with your Mac.

  1. Open your Microsoft Office application. This can be Word, PowerPoint, or Excel.

    ShareFile for Mac url screen 10

  2. Navigate to Open > Manage Storage Accounts. The Storage Accounts popup displays.

  3. Select the gray X next to ShareFile.

    Remove from Mac 1

  4. Select Remove to confirm your decision to remove ShareFile from other storage on your Mac.

    Remove from Mac 2

Add a place in ShareFile for Mac