
AI-powered document assistant - Beta

ShareFile users can instantly analyze large documents, extracting key insights with a single click or query. AI document assistant is one tool for extracting insights that provides precise answers from a document to exact questions to help shortcut for what the user needs.


Certain ShareFile Products and features may use generative or other artificial intelligence models, such as large language models, foundational models, or machine learning models, which have been provided by third parties, including Anthropic via AWS. For more information on applicable acceptable use policies or codes of conduct, please visit the Anthropic Usage Policy, AWS Acceptable Use Policy, and AWS Responsible AI Policy.

For more information, see FAQ – AI document assistant


All Q&A conversations are encrypted.

This feature is available as a beta release with access limited to ShareFile Premium, VDR, and Industry Advantage customers. Specific pricing and packaging for this feature will be announced upon general availability.


  • This AI-powered document Q&A beta release is provided “AS IS” without any warranties or indemnities of any kind, or any promises, or guarantees that this feature will be publicly announced or made generally available. This beta release can be suspended or terminated at any time by ShareFile in its sole discretion with or without notice to customers.

  • The AI-powered Document Q&A feature is available for files in folders, projects, and solutions.

Steps to utilize AI document assistant

Accessing the Feature and Generating a Q&A Session

  1. Navigate to the content viewer of the document you want to review in your ShareFile account.

  2. Select the AI assistant button.


    The AI assistant window displays providing four options:

    • Summarize the document. - provides a quick summary of the document.
    • List the main points of this document. - used to determine the main objectives covered by the document and lists them in order.
    • Find action items for this document. - used to search for any action items that might need to be completed or reviewed.
    • Ask a question about this document… - used to scan the document for quick answers to the question entered in the text box.



    Always check for accuracy when using this tool.

  3. Select Try again to redo the AI processing.

  4. Select Copy to copy the result.

    • Select Like or Dislike to submit feedback about the answer provided by AI.
  5. Select Clear chat to remove the previous conversation history with the assistant. Once selected, you will no longer see the answers to the previous AI document assistant queries.

Disabling the feature

To disable the AI document assistant feature, navigate to Settings > Admin Settings > Advanced Preferences > AI Settings > AI document assistant.

Create the folder for Windows

AI-powered document assistant - Beta