
Knowledge-Based Authentication for the recipient

The following information provides the steps necessary for a recipient of a knowledge-based authentication enabled signature request to access the request.

  1. Open the document by selecting Review & Sign Document in your email or from an online form in your browser.

    Review before sending.

    The knowledge-based authentication process begins with the KBA screen.

    Review before sending.

  2. Complete the Personal info page by providing the answers to the required fields.

  3. Select Next step to open the Security questions page.

    Review before sending.

  4. Select Continue authentication to open the signing page for completion.

    Review before sending.

For more information on completing a signature request, see Sign a document.


After three failed attempts to correctly complete the security questions, the signer will be locked out of the signature request. In such cases, the sender can either reset the KBA attempts for that Signature request to unlock the signer or restart a New Signature request entirely. For more information, see How to enable a Knowledge-Based Authentication for a signature request.

Knowledge-Based Authentication for the recipient

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