
Document Templates

Document templates are ready-to-use blueprints for different types of documents such as agreements, invoices, and proposals etc. They can help streamline any process where you need to create the same or similar documents repeatedly. You can use a document template as is or can use it as the first draft for your document.

Document templates in ShareFile can automatically pull in values from other applications such as Salesforce and paste them into the document. They are also seamlessly integrated with ShareFile’s native e-signature capability.

Manually copy-pasting information into digital documents can be time consuming and prone to unintended human error. You can use a document template to send repetitive documents such as NDAs, engagement letters, and invoices, for signature quickly.


  • Currently, ShareFile only supports .pdf format for document templates.
  • When creating a new document template, do not include personal health information (PHI) or other sensitive information in it.

Document templates can be applied to different types of digital documents. Some instances are listed below:

  • Engagement letters to onboard new clients
  • Employment offer letters to hire new employees
  • Non-disclosure agreements
  • Divorce settlement agreements
  • State Tax Forms
  • Rental and Lease agreements
  • Budget approval proposals
  • Statement of Work
  • Purchase Orders
  • Bills and Invoices
  • Loan applications
  • Bank account applications
  • Joint Credit applications

Components of a document template

Document templates is made up of several key components. Use the following sections to learn about each component.


The base file for the template.


Each role represents a stakeholder or a party involved in the document signature process. You can assign fields to every role so that all the fields that need to be filled out by a specific stakeholder can be clubbed together. When someone uses a document template, they’ll be asked to provide the name and email address for each role.

For example, an offer letter to hire an employee is signed by human resources (HR) and the prospective employee. A document template for this use case will need 2 roles: HR and Prospective Employee. When sending this template for signature, the user provides an email address for human resources and the prospective client, who will both receive this signature request.


You can automatically fill or paste data from ShareFile and third party applications in documents. Variables are used to specify the source of this data and the type of data that you’re planning to automatically fill in the document.

For example, if you are using Salesforce to track your prospective clients or leads, create an engagement letter template in ShareFile to automatically fill or paste this information into the document when you send it out for signature. In this case, the source for the variable is Salesforce and the data type are leads.

Types of fields

While preparing a document template, you can add various fields to it that can either be filled at the time of document creation or can be filled by the signers of the document.

Two different types of fields can be added to document templates in ShareFile. They are available on the left pane of the “Create template” window and can easily be added to the template using drag and drop:

  • System-filled fields: Using these fields, you can automatically paste data to your document at the time of creation. This can be done with the help of variables. You can create new variables using the “Manage variables” button on the left pane as shown in the screen below.

    Fields 1

    For example, in this Engagement Letter template, you can add data such as Email, Company, FirstName, and LastName from the left pane as shown below using the variable Customer1. These are automatically added to your document when you send it for signature to a client

    Fields 2

  • Signer fields: Using these fields, you can add fields that need to be filled by users who receive the document created from this template. Every signer field needs to be assigned to a role. We currently support the following types of signer fields:

    • Signature
    • Initials
    • Date
    • Text
    • Dropdown
    • Checkbox
    • Attachment
    • Checkbox group

    Fields 3

    For example, in this Engagement Letter template, we’ve added a name and signature field that will be entered by the client.

    Name Signature 1

  • Annotations: Using annotations, you can add custom labels, checkboxes, or saved signatures to your PDF documents. We currently support the following types of annotations:

    • Signature
    • Text
    • Checkbox

    Fields 4


    When you add an annotation of signature type to the document, the Add Signature popup window opens. You can either draw your signature or type your name. This will be added to the field position on the document at the time of creation.

    Fields 5

Create a document template

There are five ways to create a document template in ShareFile:

  • Open ShareFile then select Create template from Shortcuts on the dashboard.

    SF start page

  • Open ShareFile and navigate to Templates.

    SF start page

    The Templates page displays. Select Create > Document template.

    SF start page

  • Open ShareFile and navigate to Folders > select a PDF file > Create new template.

    SF start page

  • Open ShareFile and navigate to Folders > select a PDF file > Right-click to open the menu > select Create new template.

    SF start page

  • Open ShareFile and navigate to Folders > select a PDF file to open in Preview. Select New document template from the Preview menu.

    SF start page

For more information, see Template Library.

Steps to create a document template

  1. In ShareFile, navigate to Templates.

    SF start page

  2. Select Create > Document template. The Create Template screen displays.

    SF start page

  3. Select a PDF from either your computer or from your ShareFile account using the Browse files link.

    SF start page

  4. Under Signer roles, select Add a new role. Each role represents a stakeholder or a party involved in the document signature process. You can add multiple roles to a document template. For more information on Roles, see Document template components.

    SF signer role

  5. If you have more than one role, you can set the signing order using the toggle. Roles can be dragged up and down to set the signing order.

    SF start page

  6. Select Next Step: Place Fields. The Place Fields screen displays.

    SF place fields

  7. Drag and drop the fields to add them to the document template. You can click on a field to change the settings for that field like marking a field as mandatory.


    When adding or placing fields, make sure you choose the right role for the field using the drop down menu. All the fields associated with a role will be assigned to the signer associated with that role.

    SF start page

  8. Select Next Step. The Review and Save screen displays.

    SF start page

  9. Enter the name and description for your new document template.

    SF start page

    SF start page

  10. You can set additional Security Options such as KBA and passcode.

    • KBA requirement - requires signers to verify their identity with a knowledge-based quiz. Each signer must independently verify before signing the document.

    • Passcode - requires recipients to enter a 5-digit passcode to access documents.

      SF start page

  11. Select Save Template.

    The new document template is displayed on the Templates page.

    SF start page

Send a document template for signature

There are three different ways in which you can send a document template for signature in ShareFile

From the Dashboard

You can now select a template to send a document for signature in ShareFile

  1. Login to your ShareFile account and from the dashboard, select the “Send for Signature” tab and the Signature request window opens.

    Dashboard Sign 1

  2. Under the Documents to send section at the top of the window, select the browse files option and from the drop-down menu, click on the “Use a Template” option.

    Dashboard Sign 2

  3. The Select a template window is displayed. You can either choose a document template that you created in ShareFile or if you’re a RightSignature user, you can choose a pre-existing RightSignature template as well.


    If you’re unable to find a document template that suits your needs, select Create to build a new template.

    Dashboard Sign 3

  4. The Signature Request window opens and a document is created based on the template you have chosen. You can choose a different template by selecting the Change template button at the bottom of the screen as shown below.

    Dashboard Sign 4

  5. Enter the name and email for each recipient.

  6. Enter the value for each variable so that all the fields associated with that variable can be automatically filled.

    Dashboard Sign 5

  7. Select Next step to review the data that has been automatically filled in.

    Dashboard Sign 6

  8. Select Next step to edit the document name and add a note that is sent to all signers. You can change the location for storing the signed document. You can also update the security options for the document.

    Dashboard Sign 7

    • Knowledge based authentication - requires signers to verify their identity with a knowledge-based quiz. Each signer must independently verify before signing the document.
    • Passcode - requires recipients to enter a 5-digit passcode to access documents.

    Dashboard Sign Security

  9. If you want to make any last minute changes to the roles or fields for the document that has been created, you can choose the Modify roles and fields.


    Any changes you make using this flow will not change the document template. These changes will only be applied to the document that has been created for signature in this signature request.

  10. Your document is now ready to be sent for signature. Select Send for signature.

  11. The signature request is sent and the document template opens with a notification “Sent signature request” for the same as shown below.

Dashboard Sign 8


You can view the details of the signature request that has been sent by clicking on View. On the right pane, you can view the details and activity of the signature request that you sent. You can send reminders to the signers or revise, download, or cancel the request.

Dashboard Sign 9

From the Signatures menu in the left navigation panel on Home Page

You can also send a document template for signature requests in ShareFile from the Signatures tab on the left pane of the SF Dashboard as shown below:

Signatures page

On the top right of the screen, select Create signature request > Send for Signature to go to the signature request screen and follow Steps 2-14 as highlighted in the above section on “From The dashboard”.

Signatures page

From the Details Page of a Document Template

  1. In ShareFile, navigate to Templates.

    SF start page

  2. Select the document template that you want to send for signature. When you click on it, the details page opens.

    SF start page

  3. On the details page, select Send as signature request.

    SF start page

  4. Enter the name and email for each recipient. Select Next step.

    SF start page

  5. You can edit the document name and add a note that is sent to all signers.

    SF start page

  6. You can change the location for storing the signed document.

    SF start page

    • Knowledge based authentication - requires signers to verify their identity with a knowledge-based quiz. Each signer must independently verify before signing the document.

    • Passcode - requires recipients to enter a 5-digit passcode to access documents.

    SF start page

    SF start page

  7. Your document is now ready to be sent for signature. Select Send signature request. SF send signature

Automatically fill or paste data from ShareFile and third party applications in documents

In your daily work, you might be creating repetitive documents. Repetitive documents are documents that are either the same or have very small variations.

For example, an engagement letter that is used to onboard a new client has to be personalized for every client. The client information will change with every onboarding but the general terms of engagement may remain the same.

Document templates can be used to pull in information from ShareFile or other applications like Salesforce and automatically paste it in a document. Users can customize documents without having to manually copy paste data into a document. Not only can this save time but prevent unintended copy-paste errors.

In the above example, the client information can be pulled from ShareFile’s Client user data or Salesforce Leads data and automatically be pasted into the engagement letter which you can send out for signature in less than 15 seconds!

Document templates can be configured to pull in values from the following sources:

Source Type
ShareFile Client users, Employee users
Salesforce Leads, Account, Opportunity, Quote, Contact


If you don’t have an integration installed, you can navigate to Apps > Third Party Integrations to install a new integration.

Steps to create a template that can automatically fill or paste data from different applications

  1. In ShareFile, navigate to Templates.

    SF start page

  2. Select Create > Document template. The Create Template screen displays.

    SF start page

  3. Under Signer roles, select Add a new role. Each role represents a stakeholder or a party involved in the document signature process. You can add multiple roles to a document template. For more information on Roles see Document template components.

    SF signer role

  4. If you have more than one role, you can set the signing order using the toggle. Roles can be dragged up and down to set the signing order.

    SF start page

  5. Under Variables select Add a new variable. Variables are used to specify the source and type of data that needs to be automatically filled in the document. For more information on Variables, refer Document template components.

    SF add variable

  6. For each variable, select a Data Source and Data type from the dropdown menu. The list of supported data sources and types can be found under the section Automatically fill or paste data from ShareFile and third party applications in documents.

    SF data fields

  7. Select Next Step: Place Fields. The Place Fields screen displays with the Signer filled tab selected in the left navigation pane.

    SF place fields

  8. Under the Signer filled tab, you can drag and drop the fields to add them to the document template. You can click on a field to change the settings for that field like marking a field as mandatory.

    SF signer fields


    When adding or placing fields, make sure you choose the right role for the field using the drop down menu. All the fields associated with a role will be assigned to the signer associated with that role.

  9. From the left navigation pane, select the System filled tab.

    SF system fields

  10. Under the System filled tab, you can select the variable from the dropdown list to view all the fields that are available for that variable. You can drag and drop the fields to add them to the document template. These fields will be automatically filled with data when you’re sending a template for signature.

    SF edit fields


    You can use the search bar to quickly search for the desired field.

  11. Select Next Step: Review & save.

  12. Enter the name and description for your new document template.

    SF start page

    SF start page

  13. You can set additional Security Options such as KBA and passcode.

    • KBA requirement - requires signers to verify their identity with a knowledge-based quiz. Each signer must independently verify before signing the document.

    • Passcode - requires recipients to enter a 5-digit passcode to access documents.

      SF start page

  14. Select Save Template.

    The new document template is displayed on the Templates page.

    SF start page

Steps to send a template that can automatically fill or paste data from different applications

  1. In ShareFile, navigate to Templates.

    SF start page

  2. Select the document template that you want to send for signature. When you click on it, the details page opens.

    SF start page

  3. On the details page, select Send as signature request.

    SF start page

  4. Enter the name and email for each recipient.

    SF name email

  5. Enter the value for each variable so that all the fields associated with that variable can be automatically filled.

  6. Select Next step to review the data that has been automatically filled in.

    SF next step

  7. Select Next step to edit the document name and add a note that is sent to all signers. You can change the location for storing the signed document. You can also update the security options for the document.

    • Knowledge based authentication - requires signers to verify their identity with a knowledge-based quiz. Each signer must independently verify before signing the document.

    • Passcode - requires recipients to enter a 5-digit passcode to access documents.

    SF start page

  8. Your document is now ready to be sent for signature. Select Send for signature.

Edit a document template

Use the following steps to edit a template.

  1. In ShareFile, navigate to Templates.

    SF start page

  2. From the Templates page, select the document template that you’d like to edit.

  3. Select Edit.

    SF start page

  4. You can change the file that is being used by the document template along with the roles and the variables.


    Editing the template will not change the documents that have already been created.

    SF start page

  5. Select Next Step: Place Fields.

    SF start page

    You can add or remove fields or click on a field to change the settings for that field.


    When adding or placing fields, make sure you choose the right role for the field using the drop down menu. All the fields associated with a role will be assigned to the signer associated with that role.

  6. Select Next Step. The Review and Save screen displays.

    You can update the name and description of the template here along with the security options.

  7. Select Save Template. The updated template will be displayed on the Templates page.

    SF start page

Share a document template with other people in your organization

  1. In ShareFile, navigate to Templates.

    SF start page

  2. From the Templates page, select the document template that you’d like to share.

    SF start page

  3. Select Share. The Share resource screen displays.

    SF start page

  4. Type in the name of the recipient in the To field.

  5. Under Permissions select the role that you want to assign to the recipient. To view the permissions associated with each role select View.

    Role Permissions Purpose
    Viewer Recipient can view template and the underlying file Ideal for recipients that will be using this template for their document workflows. They will not be able to edit or modify the template.
    Contributor The recipient can view and modify the template and can view, modify and delete the underlying file. Ideal for recipients that will be making changes to the template or the underlying file. The changes that are made by the recipient will be reflected for all users who are using the template.
    Creator he recipient will have the same permissions as the template creator Ideal for delegating the ownership of the template to another employee. For example, if an employee is leaving the organization, a template can be shared with another employee for long-term maintenance.
    Custom Recipient will have custom permissions based on your selection Ideal for cases where default roles don’t serve the need. Granular permissions can be set for the recipient.
  6. Select Share.

    SF start page

    The recipient can view this template in their template library under the Shared with me tab.

Manage Document Templates

You can now customize your document template and add, delete, or modify your template attributes. For more information, click here to go to the Templates Library.