
What’s new in ShareFile documentation

A goal of ShareFile is to deliver new features and product updates to ShareFile customers when available.

To you, the customer, this process is transparent. Initial updates are applied to ShareFile internal sites only, and are then applied to customer environments gradually. Delivering updates incrementally in waves helps to ensure product quality and to maximize the availability.

March 24, 2025

ShareFile 25.03.20 for Mac


Please review the article, Important Upgrade Notice for ShareFile for Mac, before starting the ShareFile 25.03.20 for Mac upgrade.

ShareFile for Mac release information

This ShareFile for Mac release improves functionality by including the following enhancements:

  • Remove download - After a file has been downloaded, selecting remove download from the context menu will clear it from the cache. Selecting this option on a folder will remove downloads on all files inside of the folder.

  • New file conflict resolution - When a file version conflict happens during a file upload a user may choose to either save a copy of the file or not to save changes. In these cases the app will ask to close the file and present a prompt that will automatically download and open the latest file.

  • Reset Folder - If a folder is not properly loading contents and refreshing the folder does not resolve the issue the folder contents can be reset to what is currently saved in ShareFile

For more information regarding this ShareFile for Mac release, see Fixed issues in 25.03.20.

March 12, 2025

Storage Zone Controller 5.12.3

This release addresses several issues that improve overall performance and stability.

For more information, see About storage zones controller.

March 11, 2025

AI-powered document assistant - Beta

ShareFile users can instantly analyze large documents, extracting key insights with a single click or query.

For more information, see AI-powered document assistant - BETA.

December 17, 2024

AI-powered Document Summarization - Beta

Transform lengthy documents into concise insights with our new AI-powered Document Summarization feature. You can instantly highlight key points and their sources, copy or even regenerate newer summaries based on your preference, With this new feature, you can now save hours of reading time delve through complex information effortlessly.

For more information, see AI-powered Document Summarization - BETA.

October 23, 2024

ShareFile Solutions - Income Tax Return solution

Streamline your Income Tax Return client engagements with this ready-to-use solution. It simplifies the client lifecycle and experience, all while making the process more transparent and efficient.

For more information, see Income Tax Return solution and FAQ - Income Tax Return solution.

This release improves functionality by including the following enhancements:

  • Send for Approval - once the client begins to return requested items for the type of engagement selected, you can now submit the items for approval from colleagues. For more information, see Send for Approval.

  • Export - Save all to a folder - this allows you to save all requested files to a ShareFile folder for use in other applications. For more information, see Export- Save all to a folder.

  • Exporting for other applications - this allows you to move files from an engagement into a tax or CRM software. For more information, see Can I move files from an engagement into my tax or CRM software?

This Income Tax Return solution is available in ShareFile Premium (via trial) and Industry Advantage customers.

For specific pricing and packaging for solutions see ShareFile Plans & Pricing.

ShareFile for Outlook Online

This release improves functionality by including the following enhancement:

Convert Attachments - You can now convert any directly attached files in the compose mail to a ShareFile link. For more information, see Convert Attachments.

September 25, 2024

ShareFile storage zones controller 5.12.1

This release includes general security and user improvements.

For more information, see About storage zones controller.

September 24, 2024

ShareFile 24.9.1 for Mac

This release resolves issues to enhance functionality and accessibility including an optimized experience for uploading large files.

For more information, see ShareFile for Mac.

September 23, 2024

ShareFile for Outlook Online

This release includes the ability to encrypt emails using ShareFile for Outlook Online. For more information, see Encrypt Email using ShareFile in Outlook Online.

September 20, 2024

ShareFile Templates

This release improves functionality by including the following addition to ShareFile Templates in our ShareFile Catalog:

  • Partner Templates - Access templates in your ShareFile catalog created by leading industry experts and tailored for specific industries. For more information, see Partner Templates.

September 15, 2024

ShareFile for Android

Citrix Files for Android is now ShareFile for Android. This is a brand change but offers the same functionality as the previous application for your iOS device. You will continue to use your ShareFile sign-on to exchange files easily, securely, and professionally.

For more information, see ShareFile for Android.

For information on how to download the ShareFile for Android application, see Download ShareFile for Android app.

September 4, 2024

ShareFile Virtual Data Room Enhancements

Virtual Data Room accounts now have the following ShareFile features enabled:

  • ShareFile Projects
  • Templates Library
  • Document Templates

For more information see ShareFile Virtual Data Room.

August 28, 2024

ShareFile for iOS

Citrix Files for iOS is now ShareFile for iOS. This is a brand change but offers the same functionality as the previous application for your iOS device. You will continue to use your ShareFile sign-on to exchange files easily, securely, and professionally.

For more information, see ShareFile for iOS.

For information on how to download the ShareFile for iOS application, see Download ShareFile app for iOS devices.

August 26, 2024

ShareFile two-step reset

We have expanded the two-step verification reset ability from only the Master Admin to admin users with Manage employees permission to allow for delegation.

For more information, see Reset user phone number for Two Step Verification.

August 8, 2024

Simplify the client onboarding and engagement process during cases with this ready-to-use solution, enhancing efficiency and security throughout the entire process. From intake and signing retainer agreements to managing discovery, the solution delivers a consistent and streamlined experience.

For more information, see Legal Client Intake and Engagement Solution - BETA and FAQ – Legal Client Intake and Engagement solution.

The Legal Client Intake and Engagement solution, is available as a beta release with access limited to ShareFile Premium and Industry Advantage customers.

Activity Reports for Projects

Project Owners can now run activity reports of all things run in a project over the last 90 days to support auditing compliance needs.

For more information, see Create activity report

Conditional request creation in Information Requests

Customers can now create dynamic forms that show/hide sections based on conditions allowing forms to target the user and display information based on previous responses in the forms.

For more information, see Creating a conditional request.

July 29, 2024

ShareFile for Outlook

This release resolves issues to enhance functionality and accessibility.

For more information, see ShareFile for Outlook

July 25, 2024

ShareFile Solutions - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return solution

Streamline your U.S. Individual Tax Return client engagements with this ready-to-use solution. It simplifies the client lifecycle and experience, all while making the process more transparent and efficient.

For more information, see U.S. Individual Income Tax Return solution and FAQ - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return solution.

The U.S. Individual Income Tax Return solution is available to ShareFile Premium and Industry Advantage customers.

For specific pricing and packaging for solutions see ShareFile Plans & Pricing.

AI-powered Document Request List Generation - Beta

By automating the creation of document request lists, you can significantly reduce the time and effort required for document collection. You no longer need to manually create document request lists. Instead, use AI to automatically create a DRL using a prompt.

For more information, see AI-powered Document Request List Generation - Beta

Document Request Templates

Document Request Templates are now available in ShareFile. Use Document Request Templates to streamline the process of requesting documents from clients.

For more information, see Templates Library.

July 19, 2024

ShareFile storage zones controller 5.12.0

This release includes general security and user improvements.

For more information, see About storage zones controller.

May 30, 2024

ShareFile feature update

This release improves functionality by including the following feature enhancements:

  • Solutions available in ShareFile Catalog - ShareFile solutions available in your ShareFile Catalog allow you to create custom tailored spaces to meet your needs, fully transform your ShareFile workflow, and get more done. For more information, see ShareFile Catalog and ShareFile Solutions.

  • New Client Portal Experience - Clients assigned multiple items including signature, document, or information requests now have a new portal to track their assigned and completed tasks. For more information see Client portal

May 29, 2024

ShareFile Document Templates

ShareFile Premium users can now create different types of documents natively in ShareFile. This provides the following benefits:

  • Create and send documents for signature faster and hassle-free with ShareFile’s document templates!

  • With ShareFile’s seamless document workflows, simplify and fast-track repetitive documents such as agreements, invoices, and proposals.

  • Customers can automatically populate and include data from 3rd-party integrations such as Salesforce into their agreements, invoices, proposals, etc.

  • Manually copy-pasting data into documents can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Customers can avoid human error and save time with our templates.

For more information, see Document Templates

May 20, 2024

ShareFile for Outlook

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance and stability.

For release information regarding fixed issues, see ShareFile for Outlook

ShareFile 24.5.3 for Windows

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance and stability.

For more information, see ShareFile for Windows.

April 30, 2024

ShareFile Projects and new Templates library

This release improves functionality by including the following enhancements:

  • Document request due date reminders - automatic reminders to save you as the project owner time in managing requests. For more information, see Document request due date reminders.

  • Manage Project users - this allows you as the Project owner the ability to customize each users access in the project. For more information see Manage Project users and Manage user permissions.

  • Templates library - ShareFile provides access to all of your templates and templates shared with you in the Templates library. For more information, see Templates library.

April 22, 2024

ShareFile AI-assisted secure share recommender

When a user creates a share link or shares a single file smaller than 20 MB, ShareFile will use AI to scan documents for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data to automatically recommend secure share settings.

For more information, see AI-assisted secure share recommender.

April 16, 2024

ShareFile for Outlook

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance including:

ShareFile share and request settings - Admins can set share and request link defaults across all ShareFile applications. For more information, see Secure sharing options.

For release information regarding fixed issues, see ShareFile for Outlook

April 2, 2024

ShareFile storage zones controller 5.11.25

This release includes general security and user improvements.

For more information, see About storage zones controller.

April 1, 2024

ShareFile Integrations

Using the ShareFile Catalog you can now add the ability to export from your ShareFile account to the following third-party applications:

For more information, see Integrations.

March 27, 2024

ShareFile 24.3.3 for Windows

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance and stability.

For more information, see ShareFile for Windows.

March 21, 2024

ShareFile HIPAA Support updates

HIPAA enabled ShareFile accounts now include several enhancements to assist your staff optimize collaboration processes and provide straightforward tools.

For more information see, HIPAA Support

March 8, 2024

ShareFile for Outlook

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance and stability.

For more information, see ShareFile for Outlook.

March 1, 2024

ShareFile secure share and request management

ShareFile admins can manage the defaults for both sharing and requesting files. For more information, see:

February 28, 2024

ShareFile 24.2.2

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance including:

ShareFile share and request settings - Admins can set share and request link defaults across all ShareFile applications. For more information, see Secure sharing options.

February 21, 2024

ShareFile 24.2.2 for Windows

Added support for new ShareFile admin Share settings.

For more information, see Share settings.

February 20, 2024


This release addresses issues that improve functionality by including the following enhancement:

  • Import fields - save time by importing fields from previous signature request documets. For more information, see Import fields

ShareFile 24.2.10 for Outlook

February 16, 2024

ShareFile 24.2.10 for Outlook

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance including:

ShareFile share and request settings - Admins can set share and request link defaults across all ShareFile applications. For more information, see Secure sharing options.

For release information regarding fixed issues, see ShareFile for Outlook

February 15, 2024

ShareFile 24.2 for Mac

This release addresses issues that improve functionality by including the following enhancements:

Storage protection - ShareFile for Mac can detect storage overages and block uploads from occurring. For more information, see ShareFile Storage.

ShareFile share and request settings - Admins can set share and request link defaults across all ShareFile applications. For more information, see Secure sharing options.

Supported Language update - ShareFile has updated the supported language list. For more information see Supported languages.

ShareFile API

All public share links accessed through will require authentication.

For more information, see REST API Quick Start Guide.

February 9, 2024

ShareFile Managing Security Notifications

ShareFile now provides flexible email notifications for Security Alerts. ShareFile now enables Admins to efficiently route security-related email alerts to their organization’s internal security team.

For more information, see Manage notifications.

February 6, 2024

Domain inclusion list

ShareFile added * to the recommened inclusion list of domains.

For more information, see Firewall configuration.

February 5, 2024


This release addresses issues that improve functionality by including the following enhancements:

  • Use Saved Signatures in Signature Annotations.

  • Align fields when preparing a signature request.

  • Add, modify, or remove recipients from the signature requests details page.


These are only available in ShareFile Signature. For more information, see Signatures.

January 25, 2024

ShareFile for Windows 24.1.26

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance.

For more information, see ShareFile for Windows.

January 9, 2024


This ShareFile release provides the bulk send enhancement that allows you to send multiple signers their own copy of a single document.

For more information, see Send in bulk.

December 20, 2023


This ShareFile release provides three enhancements that improve the signature flow and abilities when requesting a signature. Select the links below to learn more about these new enhancements.

Revise a signature request - Users can now revise a Signature request that is In-Progress to make any necessary changes.

Using Payment fields - Signature users with Stripe integrated can use the new Payment field when setting up their signature requests.

Using checkbox groups - Checkbox groups allow you to create optional or required lists of items for the signer to acknowledge when completing a signature request. The flexibility with these checkboxes allow you to customize your signature requests and requirements for different recipients.

December 11, 2023


This release addresses issues that improve overall performance and include the following enhancement:

Signer document download - RightSignature admins can enable or disable the option for recipients to download a document before signing. For more information on using this new option, see Signer document download.

For more product information, see Electronic signature - Fixed issues.


As part of our on going Product improvements, we are in the process of updating our backend systems. This process should be seamless for our customers and new billing functionality might be introduced for your account.


This release also includes the following enhancement for our ShareFile Signatures users:

ShareFile signature users can now edit a new permission for recipients under Default settings that allow recipients to download a document before signing. For more information regarding this new setting, see Signer permissions.

Saving emails with ShareFile

ShareFile is excited to announce our new product enhancements for ShareFile for Google Workspace and ShareFile for Microsoft Outlook Online. You now have the ability to easily save emails with attachments directly to ShareFile. This enables you to organize, access, and share your email content effortlessly within the same platform you trust for secure file storage.

For more information see:

November 30, 2023

ShareFile Projects enhancements

Delete and restore Projects - Deleted projects are easily restored with the latest release.

Restore a deleted document request - Deleted document requests can be restored using the new Restore feature.

Delete and restore a file or files in a Project - Project files can be deleted and restored with the latest release.

November 6, 2023

ShareFile Threat detection alerts and remediation updates

This release includes enhancements to our threat detection and remediation features.

For more information, see ShareFile threat detection alerts.

ShareFile Projects enhancements

Projects dashboard - updated with the latest ShareFile branding.

Projects search and sort - Users can now search and sort Projects.

Projects user clean-up - Projects are now included in the Delete employee users process and will require reassignment when a Project owner is no longer available.

Document Requests - Project owners can change and add assignees to an active document request list.

Projects status - We now allow filtering based on the Project status of either Open or Closed.

RightSignature enhancement

This release includes an enhancement to RightSignature:

Editing signer name after request is sent - Senders can edit the signer name and email on a signature request.

November 1, 2023

ShareFile for Mac beta release

The beta release of ShareFile for Mac provides the following updates to the application:

Download ShareFile for Mac beta release to try these beta features.

For more information, see ShareFile for Mac.

October 31, 2023

ShareFile 23.10 for Mac

We have updated ShareFile for Mac to utilize our new brand in the application. This includes the following updated features:

  • Redesigned experience for sharing and requesting files - following the latest secure sharing options implemented in our ShareFile web application, the ShareFile for Mac experience now offer a consistent experience.

  • Editable shares - ShareFile for Mac now offers the ability to provide editable shares.

For more information, see Share files in ShareFile for Mac.

October 26, 2023

ShareFile managed cloud storage zone is available in the UAE region

A new ShareFile managed cloud storage zone is now available in the UAE region. If you are a customer located in the UAE region, reach out to ShareFile support to get the new storage zone enabled on your account.

For more information including the list of available ShareFile cloud storage zones see, ShareFile managed cloud storage zones.

October 23, 2023

New secure sharing options

We are taking steps to improve the security posture of file sharing. From now on all links default to use secure sharing options which will apply across all ShareFile locations: ShareFile desktop app for Mac and Windows, ShareFile Web app, ShareFile Mobile app, ShareFile Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook and Gmail.

  • The ‘sign in required’ option will be selected by default for all shares

  • A new alert when you are about to share a link that can be viewed by anyone.

  • Admins can require authentication for all share or request links for the account.


When selecting the “Anyone (public, must enter a name and email) option, the recipient is required to complete the reCAPTCHA request.

Learn more subdomain

For more information, see our Learn more page for New secure sharing options.

October 12, 2023

SF start page

ShareFile announces a new look and feel to show ShareFile’s evolution into a complete solution

We’ve evolved our solution to go beyond secure document sharing. We’re helping our customers embrace digital-first workflows that use automation, native e-signature, and best-in-class security. The efficiencies and cost savings created by these workflows allow our customers to focus on delivering a modern client experience.

At the core of our renewed brand identity is ease. We wanted to capture that feeling of checking off all the boxes from start to finish – without any roadblocks. Our new logo mark, for example, brings this feeling to life by using the iconic check mark, a sign of accomplishment.

From our brand colors to our 3D elements, ShareFile’s new look and feel helps us tell the story of smooth processes and the resulting moments of energy and joy that make work meaningful.

To learn more about our evolution, see A modernized brand to take ShareFile into the future of work.

September 26, 2023

New ShareFile storage features

For net-new accounts created after August 4, 2023, ShareFile Admins will see a new dashboard for storage consumption on the account in addition to enforcement of storage limits. The following new features are available for net-new accounts.

Storage usage admin dashboard - is a new feature in ShareFile. Storage usage is an admin space that includes a dashboard where admins can view and perform the following:

  • View the total storage used by the account through the indicator.
  • Review how much storage is consumed out of the allocated storage.
  • The date when the storage was updated.
  • Get a list of top storage consumers in the account.
  • Select and notify the users that are using more storage than needed.

Notifications on the ShareFile UI display the storage consumed by an account and what action must be taken to get the storage within the limit. ShareFile also sends emails to admins when an account reaches 90% and 100% of allocated storage.

Storage enforcement - If an account has consumed 100% of its storage and exceeds the total storage limit, the account actions are blocked, not allowing users of that account to upload files, create documents, add new data, request a file, or duplicate files. However, the users can log in to their account, view, and download.

For more information, see ShareFile storage.

September 25, 2023

ShareFile - Tenant Management

ShareFile allows partners to add new tenant accounts. The new automated provisioning provides more streamlined account management, easy tenant setup, and faster time to market.

For more information, see Tenant Management.

September 19, 2023

ShareFile signature enhancements

This release addresses issues that improve overall performance and include the following features:

Set to date of Signature - Enable this when sending for signature to autofill the date the document is signed. For more information, see Auto-fill date

Date Formats - ShareFile added five additional date format options. For more information on setting the date option in ShareFile, see Time and Date.

ShareFile VDR feature update

ShareFile VDR users can access the following new feature:

Threat detection alerts: Secure client data by getting notified of unusual access to ShareFile account via email.

September 14, 2023

ShareFile for Outlook Online

ShareFile is excited to announce the launch of our ShareFile for Outlook Online add-in.

ShareFile for Outlook Online is a feature app available for ShareFile Advanced and Premium customers when using Outlook Online.

To access the ShareFile for Outlook Online add-in, go to Microsoft AppSource. For more information, see ShareFile for Outlook Online.

September 11, 2023

New features now available in the EU control plane

ShareFile Premium subscribers under the EU control plane now have access to several new Premium features. For more information on each of these features, select the feature name:

  • Projects - a new collaborative space in ShareFile to organize, digitize, and unify services with clients.

  • Document Requests our new request list tool that digitizes, organizes, and streamlines document request and collection workflows, such as HR documents for hiring or collecting a list of financial documents.

  • Automated Workflows - a new workflow builder in ShareFile that can be used to customize workflows based on specific actions and automation triggers.

  • Accelerated Agreements for Client Onboarding - this ready-to-use workflow streamlines and automates client onboarding agreements, such NDAs, or other signature agreements commonly needed to begin services.

August 31, 2023

ShareFile for Mobile

ShareFile is happy to announce Microsoft Office 365 co-editing abilities in ShareFile for iOS and ShareFile for Android. Advanced and Premium ShareFile users now have the following mobile abilities:

  • Live co-editing abilities with multiple users
  • View various types of Microsoft Office 365 online files
  • Edit Microsoft 365 files online
  • View offline files
  • Create new Microsoft Office files to share with users

ShareFile 2380 for Android

For more information on the new co-editing feature with ShareFile for Android, see Co-editing using your Android device.

ShareFile 2380 for iOS

For more information on the new co-editing feature with ShareFile for iOS, see Co-editing using your iOS device.

August 14, 2023

ShareFile new and updated features

Tasks: Now you can easily track the status of tasks related to client matters, including whether they are in progress, completed, overdue, or yet to start. Utilize this new feature within our recently released Projects functionality.

Threat detection alerts: Secure client data by getting notified of unusual access to ShareFile account via email.

Integrations of prospective client data with Salesforce and QuickBooks.

Projects has added functionality with the above new Tasks feature.

Accelerated Agreements with auto-fill templates - now with built-in unlimited e-signature, and updated Project Creation to expedite tedious document preparation.

Automated workflows with new Send an email action - Personalized welcome emails are effortlessly sent to clients fostering better client relationships and trust, directly from an automated workflow.

ShareFile for Windows

Add a place - ShareFile for Windows users can now connect to native Microsoft applications for a full experience on their desktop tool and automatically save files back to ShareFile while editing or co-editing.

August 7, 2023

ShareFile 2023.8.7 for Mac

We are proud to announce the new ShareFile for Mac application. To download ShareFile for Mac, click here.

The new ShareFile for Mac release addresses issues that improve overall performance.

For more information, see ShareFile for Mac.

August 3, 2023

ShareFile Migration Tool v4.4.3.0

Download the latest version of the ShareFile Migration tool here.

See ShareFile Data Migration Tool for more information.

August 2, 2023

ShareFile for Google Workspace

This new ShareFile add-on is seamlessly integrated into your productivity tools and transforms collaboration, simplifies file sharing, and supercharges productivity.

Be notified whenever someone accesses a file or sends you a file so you are always aware of what is going and can take action. You can also set different security and access levels.

For end-user help including accessing and sign in, see User Guidance for ShareFile in Google Workspace

Access the ShareFile add-on by visiting the ShareFile add-on page.

August 1, 2023


ShareFile is happy to announce a major update to our ShareFile Projects feature:

Delete a project - ShareFile Premium customers now have the ability to delete the projects they create. For more information, see Delete Projects.

Clients can add other contributors to a project - ShareFile Project owners can now allow clients on their project to add other contributors from the client’s organization. For more information, see Manage project users.

Project owners can add team members - ShareFile Project owners can add team members from their organization to assist with their project. For more information, see Manage project users.