
ShareFile Storage


ShareFile cloud storage is pooled between all the users of an account. Each user license is entitled to 1 TB of cloud storage offered through ShareFile Standard, Advanced, and Premium plan types that add to the account’s pooled storage.

Pooled storage is shared across users of a ShareFile account. User’s data in personal folders, shared folders, file box, and ShareFile Recycle bin count toward accounts total storage. Since the storage is pooled, if needed, a user within the account can use more than the allocated storage that they are entitled to through the license.

How to calculate pooled storage?

If an account has purchased 10 ShareFile licenses, your pooled storage is 10 TB. That is, 1 TB per license X 10 licenses = 10 TB of account pooled storage.

Storage Usage indicator

To see the Storage User indicator, navigate to Settings > Admin Settings > Admin Overview.

The Storage Usage indicator displays the storage consumed (xxGB out of XXTB) and the latest date when storage was updated.

Storage usage indicator

Storage Usage admin dashboard


The following features are currently only available for net-new accounts created after August 4, 2023.

Storage usage admin dashboard allows the admin to view and perform certain tasks to manage and control the cloud storage of the account.

Storage usage indicator

To access the Storage usage dashboard, you can either:

  • Select the View storage usage link below the storage indicator.

    Storage usage indicator

  • Navigate to Settings > Admin Settings > Storage > Storage usage.

On the Storage Usage admin dashboard, an administrator can:

  • View the total storage consumed by the account through the storage indicator and the date when the storage was updated.


    Storage is updated every 24 hours.

  • Get a list of top storage users in the account.

  • Select users and notify them of the storage usage.


    Notifications to users can be sent every 24 hours.

Storage Notifications and Enforcement


The following features are currently only available for net-new accounts created after August 4, 2023.

Storage notifications


Users and admins both get notified at different levels of storage consumption via email and the pop-up message.

An account admin is notified when an account reaches 90% and continues until 100% of the account storage limit. Notifications are provided in two ways:

  • A banner on the ShareFile UI
  • An email notification

These notifications inform the admin about the storage, how it impacts the users of the account and what action an admin must take to get back into the storage limit.

  • Account at 90% of storage
    • The account administrator receives notifications when an account has consumed 90% of its storage limit.
    • A dismissible banner on the ShareFile UI is displayed and an email notification is also sent once every week.
  • Account at 100% of storage
    • The account Admin continues to get notified until the account has reached 100% of its storage limit.
    • At 100% a non-dismissible banner on the ShareFile UI is displayed and an email notification is also sent once every week.

Storage enforcement

If an account has used 100% of its storage and exceeds the total storage limit, the account actions are blocked, not allowing the users of that account to upload files, create documents, add new data, request a file, or duplicate files. However, the users can log in to their account, view, and download.

ShareFile Storage