
Safety Incident Management by Suryl

The ShareFile Project Template for Safety Incident Management is designed to streamline the process of managing safety incidents within an organization.

Overview Of Safety Incident Management Project Template

Managing health and safety incidents presents significant challenges, particularly in ensuring compliance, accurate reporting, and effective tracking. Traditional methods and manual data entry and paper trails can be inefficient because with manual processes, crucial details are often missed, and valuable time is lost.

Some of the most common challenges to safety incident management are as follows:

  • Most health and safety workers perform manual tasks which are tracked on a spreadsheet document while investigating a reported incident. This makes utilization and productivity targets hard to achieve.
  • Onboarding & training are less efficient when based on manuals vs. learning an automated workflow with pre-defined tasks.
  • Lack of management visibility to the % completion of an incident or investigation.

Keeping this in mind, the Suryl’s Safety Incident Management Project Template is designed to enhance compliance, tracking, and reporting by health and safety management teams.

  • With this ShareFile project template, you can track task completion on the ShareFile dashboard and ensure the regulatory-compliant process is followed.
  • New employees are trained in a dashboard that includes workflow templates for all tasks. Each task within a predefined process is then tracked through completion.
  • You can also see the completion percentage and pending tasks for cases as well for a more effective incident management process.

The Safety Incident Management template has the following components displayed by default:

  1. Home: This page displays a summary of the information on the various tabs i.e. Document requests, Files, Comments etc. Safety Incident Management 1
  2. Tasks: You can click on the Tasks tab to view the steps needed to complete the incident management process. Here you can assign specific tasks to relevant members of the safety management team and track their current status. Safety Incident Management 2
  3. Document Request and Management: The Document Request tab has a few default folders listed such as folders for pictures of the incident area and medical reports necessary for safety team reviews. Safety Incident Management 3
  4. Information Request Form: In this tab, you can customize and utilize the default questions in the Information Request form to gather required details regarding the incident. The form is named as Health and Safety Incident Report Form by default as shown below: Safety Incident Management 4 To create the questions, click on the form to open the Questions window. These questions are completely customizable. Safety Incident Management 5 The submitted responses can be reviewed by the safety management team under the Responses tab and stored for further reference once received. Safety Incident Management 6
  5. Files: The Files tab can be used to view all submitted documents in the project, including site pictures and medical reports. Safety Incident Management 7
  6. Comments: This section is used to facilitate communication between employees and the safety team regarding the incident. Safety Incident Management 8


This comprehensive ShareFile project template Safety Incident Management by Suryl provides a structured approach to documenting and handling incidents, ensuring that all necessary information is captured and easily accessible to the relevant stakeholders. The safety management team can use this template to manage incidents with efficiency and accuracy.

For further information and updates, refer to the ShareFile Project templates Library: for new features and additional resources.

Safety Incident Management by Suryl