

Assigning folders and setting permissions

You can customize your new employee’s User Access and File settings. Depending on your account or plan and your own permissions, certain permissions might not be visible or applicable. User Access settings are typical access and feature-based permissions you can use to manage your employee’s access and abilities on the account.


You can assign folders to your user, and add the user to Distribution Groups. You can also customize the user’s permissions to various folders on your account. To grant a user access to a folder, choose the check box beside the folder name.


Folder limitations

Users with a large amount of folders or deeply nested folder structures might not be able to apply folder templates to subfolders in bulk or rename existing folders in bulk.

There might be a delay while ShareFile processes template changes across your account. If you are editing templates that have been associated with many folders on your account, allow the web app time to process these changes before navigating away from the folder template menu.

Personal Folders

As an employee user, you have Personal Folders in your assigned ShareFile account. By default, you can upload and download files from this folder. You can also create subfolders inside this folder and add other users to those subfolders with the permissions you desire.


  • Personal Folders are named with email address of the user at time of first login.
  • This is not synchronized with the users email address if changed and changing the name of the folder is not supported.

Shared Folders

Shared Folders contains all folders (created by you or other users) that you have access to. This is considered the root of the entire account.

Accessing another user’s personal folders


  • Employee user with the following administrative permissions enabled:

    • People: Manage employees

    • Company Account Info: Access reporting

Instructions to access another’s personal folders

  1. Go to People > Manage Users > Browse Employees.

  2. Select the Manage icon to the right of the user’s name.

  3. Select View folders and activity logs.


  • As a super user, you can upload and download files as well as manage user access on any subfolders.
  • You can make any subfolder a favorite folder for easy access through the Favorites tab in the future.

Use personal File Box

The File Box is a personal storage space where employees can store files for a limited period. This space is not generally a collaborative or shared space, although some users might be given access to see other employee’s File Boxes.


If you do choose to take away a user’s access to the File Box, they are not able to use any email plug-in tool or add files from their computer when creating a Share message or Link.

See File Box for more information.
