
Data Tables

Using Data Tables in a ShareFile Projects is a way to organize data in projects with a structured manner. This data might be:

  • Project related data
  • Data from third party apps

Adding a tab in ShareFile Projects

  1. Navigate to Projects in your ShareFile account.

    copy file

  2. Select an existing project or select Create Projects. For these instructions, we selected an existing project.

    copy file

  3. Select + to open the Add a tab.

    copy file

    The Create a new tab popup displays.

    copy file

  4. Select Blank tab.

    The Create tab screen displays.

    copy file

  5. Type in a title for the Tab name.

    copy file

  6. Select Add.


    Soon you will have the ability to change the default view for tabs, but for now they’ll all default to Table view.

  7. Select Add.

    The new Tab is added to your Project.

    copy file

  8. Click inside the cell under Title to type in a title for the row.

    copy file

  9. Select + Add to open the Add field popup for the row.

    copy file

  10. Type in a title for the field.

    copy file

  11. From the Type list, select from the following list of field types:

    • Short text (single-line) - for short descriptions or questions.
    • Long text (multi-line) - for longer explanations or descriptions allowing the use of Rich Text Formatting including fonts, bold, italics, bullets, and other popular formatting options.
    • Person
    • Date
    • Category
    • Files

    copy file

  12. Select Add in the next column to add another field. Repeat this process until you complete your table.

    copy file

  13. Select Create row to add rows.

    copy file

    The Create page editor displays.

  14. Type in a title for the row.

  15. Using the Rich text editor, create a row description for the users.

    copy file

  16. Select a date for the field.

  17. Select Submit.

Rich Text Formatting for Long text (multi-line) fields

The following steps explain the steps to access and use Rich Text Formatting for Long text (multi-line) fields

  1. When adding a field, select Long text (multi-line) to use Rich Text Formatting.

    copy file

  2. Once the field is created, select the field to open the editor for multi-line editing.

    copy file


    Select Enter fullscreen to make the editing space larger for easier formatting.

    copy file

    When finished, select Exit fullscreen to return to the table.

File Attachment Functionality in ShareFile Data Table

The ShareFile data table now supports file attachment functionality to enhance your project management capabilities. This feature allows users to upload or link files directly within project records to help manage and access important documents.

Record Creation and File Attachment

When creating a new record in the data table, you can now attach files as part of the data entry process.

Upload Files To Any Record

You can create a new record in an existing project to use this feature. When creating a new record in the data table, you can now attach files as part of the data entry process. You can use the right side panel to add files:

Right Side Panel Attachment: While creating the record in the data table, users can attach/upload files from the right side panel when creating a record. This allows for easy browsing and selection of files to be linked to the record. To do this, simply navigate to the Create button on the top right corner as shown below:

File Attachment 1

File Attachment 2

The right side panel opens. At the bottom. click on the Upload a file button, browse for the required file, and select it to be linked to the record.

File Attachment 3

A success message is displayed with the name of the newly created row added as a record is displayed on the top right of the screen as shown below:

File Attachment 6

You can link files directly to an existing record by clicking on the cell designated for file attachment within the data table. This action will prompt a file upload interface, allowing you to attach the desired files to the specific record. To do this, first select the location of the cell Documents for file attachment within the data table. Click on the paper clip icon in the cell to open the file upload interface.

File Attachment 4

Click on the Upload a file link to browse for the file and attach it directly to the record.

File Attachment 5

Delete File From Any Record

You can also delete any attached file from a given record. To do so, go to the specified cell where the files are attached. Click on the cell to display the attached file and hover the mouse over the attached file name. A trash can symbol will appear on the right side of the file name. Click on the same as shown below:

File Attachment 7

A dialog box will appear asking for delete confirmation. Click on the Delete button to confirm.

File Attachment 8

Upon successful deletion, a success message will be displayed on the top right corner of the screen.

File Attachment 9


Next to the delete symbol in the field cell, you can also find the Download button which you can use to download the file attachment.

Update file from any record

You can also attach more than 1 file to any record. Simply go to the specified cell and click on the file attachment icon next to the number (of files currently attached) in the field as shown below:

File Attachment 10

From the box that opens, select the Upload more files option.

File Attachment 11

The upload files screen opens. Click on the Browse files option to add one or more files to the field.

File Attachment 12

Once all the files are added, they will be displayed on the screen. Click on Upload to add them to the field.

File Attachment 13

The files will be added and the number of files attached will be updated accordingly. In the example above, the number of files changes from 1 to 3.

File Attachment 14


  1. Project-Specific File Access: Files and folders added outside the projects cannot be accessed in the file attachment section. Only files within the project’s scope are available for attachment.
  2. Pre-Release File Attachments: Any files that were attached to projects before this functionality cannot be accessed or added to the new records. This functionality only applies to files uploaded or linked after the release.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team at .