
Document requests

Document requests is a request list tool to request and collect documents securely and digitally. Document requests are found and initiated in the Projects tab in ShareFile Premium.

The following information explains the process of using Document requests to complete tasks on both the service provider side and the client side.


For a list of FAQs for both ShareFile Projects and Document requests, see FAQ - Projects and Document Request.

Send Document Request - service provider

  1. Navigate to Projects in your ShareFile account.

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  2. Select an existing project or select Create Projects. In these instructions, we selected an existing project.

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  3. Select … More options then Manage project users. The Manage project users pop-up displays.

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  4. Select Invite users to add a client user to the project.

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  5. Type the name of the client that you want to invite and confirm the Role as Contributor. As an option, you can add a message.

  6. Select Invite. The “User successfully added” message displays briefly.

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  7. In the Project dashboard, select the Document requests tab.

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    The remaining steps are examples of creating a document request which includes listing the items you are requesting and then sharing the request with the people you want to receive the files from.

  8. Select Create a Document Request. The Create a document request pop-up displays.

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  9. Type in a title for the request.

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  10. Type in the Description text block, directions for the request. As an example: "Please provide a copy of your W-2."

  11. Use the calendar to select a Due date.

  12. Select Create. The “Document request created” message displays briefly.

  13. Select Create an item.

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  14. Type a name for the item and add a description.

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  15. Select Create item. You can create as many items as you need for the request.

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  16. Select Share request. The Share request pop-up displays.

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  17. Select Assign to to add: any user already in the project, a client, an employee, or create a client.

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  18. You have the option to type a message then select Share.


    You can repeat steps 16 and 17 above to add more users to the request. You can also remove users assigned to a document request by using the Manage users option on the menu. For more information, see Manage users.

Manage users

The Manage users option allows you to remove users from a document request.

  1. In the Document request dashboard, select the Manage users option on the menu. The Manage users pop-up displays.

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    You can also access Manage users from the avatar icon group.

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  2. Select the vertical ellipses beside the users name.

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  3. Select Remove. The Remove user confirmation request pop-up displays.

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  4. Select Remove.

    The user is removed from the Document Request.

The document request is sent to the client. Use the Projects dashboard to track the status.

Receive Document Request - client

The following information provides you, the client, with the steps necessary to respond to a ShareFile document request from a service provider.

  1. Once you receive a document request in your email, select View document request. Your ShareFile account opens to the Projects dashboard displaying the request.

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  2. Select the items to review the Details. The Details tab displays the title of the requested item, the date of the last update, the name of the assignee (you), a description of the request, and a file upload where you can drag one or more requested documents or browse your computer.

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    Use the Comments tab to provide any information you would like to share regarding their document request.

  3. Use Drag your files here or browse your computer to upload one or more requested documents. The upload indicator displays the progress of the document upload.

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    Repeat this step for the remaining items requested if applicable.

  4. Select Submit for review. One or more requested documents are submitted. The “Submitted item for review” message displays briefly.

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The client’s Project display shows the item to be In review.

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Document review and approval - service provider

Tracking the client responses and documents on the service provider side is available in the Projects folder for the specific client. The following instructions provide the steps necessary to approve and close a document request.

  1. Open the project for the client in the Projects dashboard.

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  2. Highlight the requested item in review and then select Approve. The “Approved item” message displays briefly.

    Repeat this for all requested items received.

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  3. Select Close request.

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  4. Select Close request to confirm in the pop-up. Type a message to the client if desired.

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    The “Closed request” message displays briefly and an email to the client is sent.

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    You can always reopen a closed Document Request, if necessary. The client receives a confirmation email if the request is reopened.

The client receives a confirmation email that the document request is complete. The client can select View document request to review the request.

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Document request due date change

The owner can edit a due date for each item of the Document Request.

Use the following instructions to make changes to the due date for a requested item.

  1. In the Document request dashboard, select the document request you must change the due date on.

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  2. Select the Edit details option on the menu.

  3. Change the date using the Due date drop-down calendar.

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Document request due date reminders

Due date reminders can be assigned to individual assignees and other users on a project.

The benefits of automatic reminders are:

  • Less time manually reminding clients to upload a document or a list of documents.

  • Provides clients visibility and transparency on assigning which document request items belong to get documents back faster.

  • Project owners can assign several users to multiple items in Document Requests.

  • Reminders are sent 1, 3, 5, 10 days before its due date and when it is overdue. When its due, an overdue notification will be sent daily for 30 days starting the day that is due.


The user can select how they want to receive notifications of pending tasks due.

Use the following steps to select how to be notified.

  1. Select the Bell symbol from the top right menu in your ShareFile account.

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    The Notifications window opens.

  2. Select the three dots to open the menu.

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  3. Select Settings.

    The Notification Settings selector opens.

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  4. Make your selections using the toggle switch for both Email and In-App.

    If you select Email, you will receive notifications similar to this:

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    If you select In-App, you can review the notifications in the Notifications window.

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If you need to make a change to your email address for Notifications, navigate to Settings > Personal Settings > Edit Profile > Email Notifications.

Document requests