
Encrypt Email using ShareFile in Outlook Online

You can now encrypt emails using ShareFile in Outlook. This feature allows the encrypted email to be shared as a protected link with the recipient. To open the encrypted email, the recipient must sign in to the portal to access the message.

To encrypt the email in Outlook using ShareFile, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your Outlook account.
  2. Select the New mail to open up a new message window. Encrypt Email 1
  3. Select the ShareFile icon in the Outlook ribbon bar. Encrypt Email 2
  4. Select Encrypt Email option from the drop-down menu. Encrypt Email 3
  5. In the right pane window, you need to sign in to your ShareFile account as shown below. Encrypt Email 4
  6. Upon successful login, the encrypt email window pane is displayed with the Encrypt Email button. Encrypt Email 5


    If you click on the Encrypt Email button without composing an email, you will receive an alert message stating there is no email content to encrypt. Encrypt Email 6

  7. Once you have composed the mail, next click on the Encrypt Email button. Encrypt Email 7 Encrypt Email 8
  8. Upon successful completion, your mail is encrypted as shown below: Encrypt Email 9
  9. From the ShareFile pane on the right, you can select the Preview message button to preview the encrypted message and attachments. Encrypt Email 10 The preview window opens and the original message and any attached files are displayed. Encrypt Email 11
  10. In case you wish to make further edits, you can click on the Decrypt and edit button. This will remove the encrypted email and revert back to editing mode. Encrypt Email 12 Encrypt Email 13 Encrypt Email 14 After making edits, you can encrypt the email again by clicking on the Encrypt Email button.
  11. Once the mail is ready and the encryption is complete, you can now send the encrypted email to the recipient. However, if you edit the mail after the encryption is done (For example you forgot to attach the file and add it after the mail is encrypted), then you will receive an alert message stating that you have made additions that are not encrypted. Encrypt Email 15 In this case you can choose to edit the mail again by clicking on the Don’t Send button and going back and encrypting the mail again. Or you can choose to send the mail without encryption by clicking on the Send anyway button. However any addition you have made will not be encrypted and the mail will be sent.
Encrypt Email using ShareFile in Outlook Online

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