
File retention policy

The File Retention Policy determines how long files are retained in a specific folder. You can set a default file retention policy for all newly created folders if you are an administrator for the account. To set a policy, click into the root level folder you want to set the policy on.

The following expiration periods are available to select:

  • 1 day
  • 7 days
  • 14 days
  • 30 days
  • 60 days
  • 90 days
  • 6 months
  • 1 year
  • 2 years

The expiration period applies to all files in the root level folder as well as subfolders.

Account-wide default settings are configured by an account Admin in the Advanced Preferences menu (see File settings for more information). When changing the account-wide setting, the new setting applies to newly created folders and not previous folders in your account.

File retention FAQs

Am I notified before my policy deletes my files?

Before files or folders are removed, a warning message is shown in the following locations:

account owner 1

If you set both a folder expiration date and a file retention policy, which policy takes effect?

The most restrictive policy takes effect.

For example, if the folder expiration date is set to one week from today’s date and the file retention policy is set to 30 days then the folder and all its contents are deleted under the one week policy.

When moving files and folders will the policy change if set previously?

The files and folders inherit the new root level folder’s policy.

For example, if you move a file from your File Box into a folder with a retention policy of 90 days, then the file inherits an expiration date of 90 days from its uploaded date.

When setting a new policy or changing a policy on an existing folder is there a warning?

There is an automatic 7 day warning.

For example, if you uploaded a file six months ago and today set a file retention policy for 30 days, then the file is set to delete in 7 days to avoid any accidental deletions.

Will the File Retention Policy delete all subfolders?

No - the files contained within the folders will be removed, but the empty folder will remain.

What happens to files removed by retention policy?

Files deleted by retention policy stay in the recycle bin as per the account policy. It can take up to 48 hours for items to show up in the Recycle Bin.

It is possible to customize the retention policy of the Personal Folders section of your account via the Edit Folder Options link. Any changes made to the File Retention policy of your Personal Folders will supersede account-wide File Retention policy settings. If you do not want your users to have this ability, please contact ShareFile Customer Support to have this setting disabled.

What happens when deleted items are restored from the recycle bin?

The retention of that file will be reset and the countdown to file deletion will start over as if it were a new file.

File retention policy